April 2017
PCMC Book Club - THE CREATIVE HABIT by Twyla Tharp
Our Spring Book Club selection will give our creative mind a tune up and give us an opportunity to discuss how creativity plays into project management of non-creative projects. Check out the PCMC Book Club Page for more information about this semester's book and discussion details.
Check out the Book Recommendations page for some other reading ideas.
March 2017
March: Agile Project Management @ the UofM
Format: Table discussion round-robin
Have you heard about Agile Project Management and wondered who might be doing it at the UofM? Managing projects at the University of Minnesota environment presents a unique set of challenges. The presenters have taken on those challenges by taking on projects using Agile methodologies, techniques, tools, ideas, approaches to say the least. This event will provide the following:
- Hear from a number of different areas taking on projects using an Agile approach.
- Have an opportunity to engage the presenters in a small group dialogue.
- Hear what works and does not work regarding agile project management.
- Connect with others who are looking at taking an Agile approach in getting their work done.
January 2017
PCMC's Process Improvement Toolkit Project Kick-Off
Format: Kick-Off Meeting, Working Session
During this meeting we split volunteers into groups that will be focusing on editing the content that is already created, creating new content to fill in gaps and making decisions on publication format and communication plans to the University community.
Thank you to all of our volunteers! Check out the Resources Page.
October 2016
Have You Been Thrown in the Project Deep End? Techniques, Advice, and Stories for Staying Afloat
Format: Panel Discussion
September 2016
Ecocycle Planning Workshop
Format: Workshop
Ecocycle Planning is one of the methods from Liberating Structures that can help a group, department or organization:
- review its portfolio of activities and see each of those activities in relation to the whole.
- identify new activities that are starving for resources.
- identify old activities that no longer fit their context.
- identify next steps to move these activities along in their life cycle.
While these discussions traditionally happen with small groups of leaders behind closed doors, this method allows for the inclusion and input of more of the organization, allowing for potentially broader insight as well as greater ownership of the organization’s work at all levels.
In this session we’ll spend some time learning, discussing and practicing this method of planning and portfolio review.
Facilitated by Richard Matson-Daley, Office of Information Technology
Thank you to all who attended! For more information on this workshop, please see: