June 2019
Think & Act Strategically
The College of Continuing and Professional Studies hosted a webinar on "Think & Act Strategically" presented by Dick DeBlieck. Whether or not you have a role in creating strategy for your organization, if you're in a management or supervisory position, you have a role to play in strategy execution. You can see the video here
Process Mapping & Improvement Session
Keith Setterholm led us through a session on mapping business processes. Process mapping and the analysis of those maps is the first step to managing this way. Process mapping helps people look beyond their own local activities and develop a clear line of sight to customers and their requirements. This "horizontal" perspective often challenges traditional silo thinking and ultimately demands a fresh, global perspective of how the enterprise can better meet customer needs.
May 2019
2019 Technology Expo
The expo featured representatives from across the University to showcase the amazing technology tools and services available to enhance your projects, increase efficiency, and be a valuable resource for your future initiatives.
Data Services - Emily Melcher, Academic Health Center
1:Button Studio - David Lindeman, OIT Video Solutions, and Scott Spicer, Media Outreach and Learning Spaces
Technology Portfolio (now Atlas) - Larry Storey, OIT
Zoom - Mike Williams and Jake Kramer, OIT
Technical Advisory Council (TAC) - Kent Mein, CSENG Administration, and Trenton Raygor, OIT
Thanks to all the presenters and participants!
March 2019
The Psychology of Change for Project Managers
The College of Continuing and Professional Studies hosted a webinar on "The Psychology of Change for Project Managers" presented by Kay Quinn. She introduced a sampling of successful strategies for tackling change using basic psychology, proven tools, and real-life stories.
February 2019
TED Talks for Project Managers
We watched and discussed TED Talk "As work gets more complex, six rules to simplify" and, for some project humor, "The Expert".
November 2018
TED Talks for Project Managers
We watched and discussed TED Talk "A sixth sense for project management".
October 2018
The Value Proposition of Business Architecture
The UMN College of Continuing and Professional Studies hosted a webinar on "The Value Proposition of Business Architecture", presented by Linda Finley. She discussed the emerging discipline of business architecture and why is it something you should know about.